Cancel usage of "FLET'S ADSL(1.5M)" with SpinNet |
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This page allows you to cancel the usage of "FLET'S ADSL(1.5M)" with SpinNet. If you want to cancel "FLET'S ADSL(1.5M)" service itself, please contact NTT (EAST/WEST). |
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Once you cancel usage of "FLET'S ADSL(1.5M)" with SpinNet on this page, you cannot connect to SpinNet using "FLET'S ADSL(1.5M)". |
3. |
If you are unsure of the difference between "FLET'S ADSL", "FLET'S ISDN" and "FLET'S HIKARI NEXT", please confirm the service you are using before submitting this page. |
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