Cancel usage of "FLET'S ADSL Entry(1M type)" with SpinNet
1. This page allows you to cancel the usage of "FLET'S ADSL Entry(1M type)" with SpinNet. If you want to cancel "FLET'S ADSL Entry(1M type)" service itself, please contact NTT EAST.
2. Once you cancel usage of "FLET'S ADSL Entry(1M type)" with SpinNet on this page, you cannot connect to SpinNet using "FLET'S ADSL Entry(1M type)".
3. If you are unsure of the difference between "FLET'S ADSL", "FLET'S ISDN" and "FLET'S HIKARI NEXT", please confirm the service you are using before submitting this page.
Connect Login Name
(e.x. : 12345678@tke.jpn)
Connect Login Password

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Working Hours : 10:00-17:00 Except New Year holidays
Phone : 0088-210-209 (Toll Free)
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