Change of Mail Password
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1. Your password must be between 4 and 16 characters long.
2. The following can be used for your password. Your password will be case-sensitive.
a. Upper case letters "A" to "Z"
b. Lower case letters "a" to "z"
c. Numbers "0" to "9"
d. The following symbols (cannot be used as the 1st character)
! " # $ & ' ( ) + , - ; = ? @ \ [ ] ^ _ ` { }
3. Please keep your password private and secure. We recommend that you choose a password different from your User Login Name, Mail Address or numbers such as "1111", which could easily be guessed.
4. If you lose your additional mail password, please re-register a mail password.
Mail Address @
Current Mail Password
New Mail Password
* Your password must be between 4 and 16 characters long.
New Mail Password(for confirmation)

SpinNet Customer Support Center
Working Hours : 10:00-17:00 Except New Year holidays
Phone : 0088-210-209 (Toll Free)
*Please contact the following number
when you cannot use the toll free number.
044-388-0607 (Toll)
Fax : 0088-250-106 (Toll Free)
093-681-9231 (Toll)
E-mail :

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